Join me in Orlando in May 2018 for Temperament-based Strategies for Excelling in the Workplace!
Temperament-based Strategies for Excelling in the Workplace
Sunday, May 20, 2018, 1:00-4:30 PM | Ben Woelk
Temperament types have big impacts on work relationships. Today’s workplace presents challenges for both introverted and extraverted team members.
- Many workplaces are adopting open space layouts that foster teamwork but provide little opportunities for introverts to contribute as individuals.
- Extraverts may struggle with working with Introverts.
Because of Western society’s emphasis on extraversion, many introverts feel unsuited or ill-equipped to thrive in today’s workplace and are not sure how to take that next step to increase influence and improve visibility.
All personality types may have issues working with coworkers or management. Is your manager a Guardian, an Idealist, a Rational, or an Artisan? How does that change how you approach them?
Suitable for all attendees, you’ll benefit from understanding your temperament and how you interact best with others. Attendees will benefit most from the workshop if they know their Myers-Briggs/temperament profile in advance. I recommend taking the tests at humanmetrics.com and keirsey.com before attending.
Register at https://summit.stc.org/preconference/