Digital Self Defense Workshop 101 (RRLC)
I had the pleasure of presenting the following presentation to the Rochester Regional Library Council on Oct. 25th. It contains general Internet and computer safety tips and is slightly modified from a session we provide to faculty and staff at RIT ...
Developing a Security Mindset
In my Cyber Self Defense course at the Rochester Institute of Technology, I teach a module on Developing a Security Mindset. Based on a class exercise by Tadayoshi Kohno at the University of Washington (mentioned in a blog posting by Bruce Schneier), the goal of the module is to reorient students' thinking from the features of a product and how ...
Covert Affairs Gets It (mostly) Right
Image via Wikipedia When television and movies use information security as their storyline, they typically pass up accuracy for the sake of drama. I was pleasantly surprised when a recent episode of Covert Affairs actually got the information security content mostly right. In the episode in question, the character Natasha plays a freelance hacker who was employed by Russian organized ...
New Resources for Security Awareness
Having trouble with security awareness at your university or college? Need some new ideas? Trying to figure out what to do for National Cyber Security Awareness Month? The members of the EDUCAUSE Higher Education Information Security Council (HEISC) Awareness and Training Working Group have created some wiki-based resources to help you with your security awareness initiatives. We’ve created two main ...
Private Information and Portable Devices
Image via Wikipedia Today, I had the privilege of being interviewed by our local YNN cable news about the challenges presented by placing private information on portable devices. A surgeon at the University of Rochester Medical Center had lost a flash drive containing the medical details of around 800 of his patients. The reporter, Anne Lithiluxa, asked me how loss ...