Blog Posts

Higher Ed, Where’s the Mobile Content?

In general, the pace of change far exceeds the ability of any large organization to adapt and adopt, be it a professional organization, an educational institution, or many companies. Mobile content is a good example. Although we've know that the rate of adoption is high, in a recent Chronicle of Higher Education Wired blog posting,  Kelly Truong stated that a ...

Best Security Awareness Videos for College Students

Each fall, the RIT Information Security Office provides a Digital Self Defense orientation to first year students. The session helps the students understand the information security threats they will face. We also communicate their responsibility for keeping themselves and others safe online. As you might imagine, keeping the attention of these students midway through their orientation week can be challenging ...

Is “Secure Mobile” an Oxymoron?

If you haven't noticed, mobile device use is pretty much ubiquitous. Apple iPhone/iPod/iPad, Windows Mobile, Palm, Google Android, Blackberry--all of these device families have their own Operating Systems that could be exploited by an attacker.  Yet, we're seeing more and more mobile device use in business settings. SMobile published a white paper yesterday (6/22), Threat Analysis of the Android Market,  ...

Are location services on mobile devices a good thing?

I've always had mixed feelings about the location services (such as Google Latitude) offered by various mobile devices and by social networking sites. For example, is it a good thing to let people know where you are when you're tweeting? When we talk to the incoming first year class at RIT each fall, we talk about the potential danger of ...

Choosing the Safest Browser

There's always discussion among techies about which internet browser is better. Most of them end up bashing Internet Explorer. Does it really matter which browser you use? Maybe, but not for the reasons you might think. Here's a list of the five most common browsers, in no particular order: Opera Firefox Safari Internet Explorer Google Chrome Which of these browsers ...

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