Category Archives: Risk

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Save the date! Bulletproofing Your Career Online live webinar 8/2, 4-5 pm EDT

Category:Cyberstalking,Facebook,Information Security,Infosec Communicator,Internet Safety,Presentations,Privacy,Risk,Social Networking,STC,Summit,techcomm Tags : 

Hannah Morgan and I will be presenting Bulletproofing Your Career Online as an STC webinar on Thursday, 2 August | 4:00–5:00 PM EDT (GMT-4)

What are the 10 key steps to building and securing your online reputation? A security professional and a career sherpa provide their perspectives on how to create an online presence that enhances and promotes your career safely and effectively.

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Is it worth attending? Of course!

Here’s the feedback we received from our in-person presentation delivered at the STC Summit in May:


Note: The evaluation scale ranged from 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent).
Overall Evaluations Received: 15
Content:  4.07
Delivery: 4.07
Value: 4.27
Overall rating: 4.14

Selected comments:

  • Ben was a good speaker with great knowledge about his topic. He and Hannah played well off each other, tackling related topics and bouncing off one another’s words.
  • Even if you think you’ve heard it all before, this presentation gave more insight and more information that was very beneficial
  • We could do have more of this type of thing. I think it’ll be a valuable (and increasingly so) job skill.
  • It was superb.
  • The delivery and content were a nice mixture of internet security and managing your online profile. The format worked well with the presenters taking turns. It made the session more lively.

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Congratulations! Congratulations!! Congratulations!!! You are a Winner in the Microsoft Promotion!!

Category:Information Security,Infosec Communicator,Internet Safety,Risk,Uncategorized Tags : 

Screenshot of email Winner notification


I received the email above today. Should I provide the information requested so I can start the process to claim my £500,000.00 GBR prize? Did anyone else receive this? Maybe I’m one of the lucky ten!

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Password Strength Comic

Category:Information Security,Infosec Communicator,Risk Tags : 

This would fit right into my Ten Tips to Shockproof Your Use of Social Media Lightning Talk, except that it probably takes more than 15 seconds to read.

Courtesy of XKCD

Which of these passwords appears to be stronger? Are you surprised?

Passphrases are easy to remember and harder to crack!

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InformationWeek Mobile Edition – 9 Tips To Block Hotel Wi-Fi Malware

Category:Information Security,Infosec Communicator,Internet Safety,Privacy,Risk,Uncategorized Tags : 

Wi-Fi Signal logo

Wi-Fi Signal logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

We often take for granted (or don’t even think about) the security of hotel Wi-Fi as we travel. For most of us, the convenience outweighs the risk.

There are steps we can take to keep our computers and data safer. The folks at Information Week have published a nifty little article, “9 Tips To Block Hotel Wi-Fi Malware.” Although the article is primarily concerned with travel abroad, we should take precautions anytime we use public WiFi.

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