A Techcomm Bestiary, Summit14 edition
Category:Infosec Communicator,Presentations,STC,Summit,techcommI’ve changed out one slide from the Spectrum14 presentation. Looking forward to presenting this to a crowd at the STC Summit in Phoenix.
I’ve changed out one slide from the Spectrum14 presentation. Looking forward to presenting this to a crowd at the STC Summit in Phoenix.
Has the Heartbleed bug made you more aware of the challenges you face trying to protect confidential or private information online? I’ll address the impacts of Heartbleed and other threats to your security in “The Secure Communicator,” an STC Education webinar on Thursday, June 5, at 5 pm EDT (GMT-4). I’ll provide registration details as soon as they’re available.
Here’s a general description of the seminar:
Won’t you join me?
I’m developing a new lightning talk using the concept of a medieval bestiary.
A bestiary is an illustrated compendium of beasts, popular in the middle ages. Bestiaries introduced people to real and fantastical creatures that they would never encounter.
This Lightning Talk will provide a bestiary of techcomm practitioners, many of which you WILL encounter in the course of your career. Join me for an enjoyable look at today’s techcomm beasts.
Attendees will enjoy seeing to which beasts they and their colleagues are most similar. Note that any resemblance to actual techcomm practitioners is purely coincidental. No actual techcomm practitioners will be harmed in the production of this lightning talk.
I’m planning on tieing medieval images to techcomm careers and/or individuals. What do you all think about that?
I’ll be presenting this Lightning Talk at the STC Summit 14 in Phoenix in May.
Technical Communications Skills Map | Red Gate Software Development.
Have you wondered about the job possibilities available to you as a technical communicator? This skills map by Brian Harris provides a great view of where core techcomm skills can take you. (Please note that the original post is no longer available. I’ve linked to a higher-resolution image Kai Weber saved.)
Are there any areas you would add? For me, information security fits into both domain expertise and risk management.
The Society for Technical Communication provides a great place to learn about techcomm and develop the networking connections to take you along your career path. If you’re interested in techcomm, check us out.
Great interview by STC President Nicky Bleiel of Marcus Hunt from AMC’s Owners Manual. Marcus is quite complimentary of technical communicators and their dedication of producing a well-written manual. Marcus also describes the usefulness of video in conveying a lot of information in a short time. (The picture on the left is from Episode Four. It was incredibly painful to watch them collecting honey.)
Check out this video (and many other cool techcomm columns) at the STC Notebook Blog.
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